Saturday, September 1, 2012

New Workspace

If a craftsman is only as good as his tools, then his work is highly indicative of his workspace.  And up until now, I have been using my dining table (which is a weird thing to call it since I never dine upon it).  I present to you my, new and improved, leather bench (insert fanfare and trumpets here).

 It's 8 feet long and has a 3/4 inch thick hardwood top.  the marble work surface is sunk into the top to provide support and vise-like immovability.

On the left hand end there's an 8 inch trash chute and I left the end open between the legs to facilitate removing the trashcan (not shown).

The 4 inch backsplash helps to keep from losing tools, bits and bobs down the back. while the open footprint allows for plenty of storage for leather.

The next phase of this evolution includes better lighting, and I intend to cover that lovely blank wall with pegboard and tool racks.  It's gonna be beautiful.